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HydroServer Data Model Data Dictionary

This document describes the entities and attributes within the HydroServer data model.


A Datastream groups a collection of Observations measuring the same ObservedProperty and produced by the same Sensor. Each instance of a Datastream represents the properties for a time series of Observations.

RequiredAttributeDefinitionData Type
MidA primary key unique identifier for the datastream.UUID
MnameA text name for the datastream. Can be auto generated.String
MdescriptionA text description for the datastream. Can be auto generatedString
MsensorIdForeign key identifier for the Sensor (method) used to create the DatasteamUUID
MthingIdForeign key identifier for the thing on which or at which the Datastream was created.UUID
MobservedPropertyIDForeign key identifier for the observed property associated with the DatastreamUUID
MunitIdForeign key identifier for the units of measure in which the Observations within the Datastream are storedUUID
MobservationTypeThe type of Observation derived from a list of observation types - "Field Observation" or "Derived Value"String
MresultTypeThe specific type of result represented by the Datastream. All time series are of type "Time series coverage".String
OstatusA string value indicating the status of data collection/creation for the Datastream.String
MsampledMediumThe environmental media that is sampled by the Datastream (e.g., air, water, snow, etc.).Boolean
OvalueCountThe number of Observations within the Datastream.Integer
MnoDataValueA numeric value stored to indicate the absence of data (e.g., -9999).Float
MprocessingLevelIdA foreign key identifier indicating the ProcessingLevel for the DatastreamUUID
OintendedTimeSpacingA numeric value indicating the intended time spacing for Observations within the Datastream.Float
OintendedTimeSpacingUnitsA foreign key identifier indicating the Units for the intendedTimeSpacing.UUID
MaggregationStatisticA string indicating the recorded aggregation statistics for the Datastream (e.g., minimum, maximum, mean, etc.)String
MtimeAggregationIntervalA numeric value indicating the time interval over which recorded Observations were aggregated - i.e., the temporal footprint for each recorded Observation.Float
MtimeAggregationIntervalUnitsIDA foreign key identifier indicating the Units for the timeAggregationInterval.UUID
MisVisibleAn access control flag indicating whether the Datastream metadata is publicly visible.Boolean
MisDataVisibleAn access control flag indicating whether the Observations for the Datastream are visible.Boolean
OdataSourceA string storing a path to a file from which the Datastream is loaded using the HydroServer Streaming Data Loader software.String
OdataSourceColumnA string storing the name of the column in the file from which the Datastream is loaded using the HydroServer Streaming Data Loader software.String
MarchivedA boolean indicating whether the Datastream has been set up to archive to HydroShare or not.Boolean
OobservedAreaThe spatial bounding box or spatial extent (point) that belong to the Observations associated with this Datastream.Object
OphenomenonBeginTimeThe Datetime at which the activity began that results in the Datastream's Observations. May be the same as resultBeginTime.Datetime
OphenomenonEndTimeThe Datetime at which the activity ends that results in the Datastream's Observations. May be the same as resultEndTime.Datetime
OresultBeginTimeThe timestamp of the first Observation in the Datastream.Datetime
OresultEndTimeThe timestamp of the last Observation in the Datastream.Datetime


An Observation results in a value being assigned to a phenomenon. The phenomenon is a property of a feature, the latter being the FeatureOfInterest of the Observation. The FeatureOfInterest may be a real-world feature such as a stream reach, watershed, aquifer, etc.

NOTE: The SensorThings API specification treats FeatureOfInterest as a required attribute for each Observation. The FeatureOfInterest is allowed to be the same as the Location of the Thing (the Location of the monitoring site) associated with an Observation. So, for simplicity, HydroServer adopts this convention and uses the Location of the Thing as the default FeatureOfInterest for Observations associated with a Thing.

RequiredAttributeDefinitionData Type
MidA primary key unique identifier for the Feature.UUID
MnameA text string giving the name of the feature.String
MdescriptionA text string providing a description of the feature.String
MencodingA text string describing the encoding in which the feature is expressed - typicaly "GeoJSON".String
MfeatureA GeoJSON encoding of the geometry of the feature.Object


A Thing’s HistoricalLocation entity set (the set of records specifying historical locations for a Thing) provides the times of the current (i.e., last known) and previous locations of the Thing. It is not uncommon for a monitoring site to change locations over time as instrumentation is changed or for other reasons. Thus HistoricalLocation can be used to track these changes.

Note: HydroServer currently assumes that a Thing has a single Location that is specified in the Location entity. Thus, in its current implementation, HydroServer's web user interfaces do not allow specification of different historical locations for a Thing. This will likely be updated with future versions of HydroServer.

RequiredAttributeDefinitionData Type
MthingIdA foreign key identifer for the Thing for which the HistoricalLocation is specified.UUID
MtimeThe time when the Thing is known to be at the Location.Datetime
MlocationIdA foreign key identifier for the Location.UUID


The Location entity locates the Thing. A Thing’s Location entity is defined as the last known location of the Thing. In the context of Things that are monitoring sites, this is the physical location of the monitoring site.

RequiredAttributeDefinitionData Type
MidA primary key unique identifier for the Location.UUID
MnameA text string name for the Location. Can be the same as the name of the Thing.String
MdescriptionA text string description for the Location. Can be the same as the name of the Thing.String
MencodingTypeThe encoding type of the Location - usually "GeoJSON".String
MlatitudeA floating point number representing the latitude of the location using WGS84 coordinates.Float
MlongitudeA floating point number representing the longitude of the location using WGS84 coordinates.Float
Oelevation_mA floating point number representing the elevation of the location in meters.Float
OelevationDatumA string indicating the elevation datum used by the site to specify the elevation.String
OstateThe name of the state in which the Location resides.String
OcountyThe name of the county in which the Location resides.String
OcountryThe name of the country in which the Location resides.String


An Observation is the act of measuring or otherwise determining the value of a property, including its numeric result and the date/time at which it was observed.

NOTE: Because HydroShare assumes that the FeatureOfInterest associated with an Observation is the same as the Location of the Thing with which the Observation is associated, the FeatureOfInterestId is not currently stored in the Observation entity by HydroServer even though it is a required attribute. HydroServer's SensorThings API satisfies this requirement by returning the ID of the Thing as the FeatureOfInterest when Observations are requested via the HydroServer SensorThings API.

NOTE: validBeginTime and validEndTime are attributes that participate in the SensorThings data model, but are not used by HydrServer.

RequiredAttributeDefinitionData Type
MidA primary key unique identifier for the ObservationUUID
MdatastreamIdA foreign key identifier for the Datastream to which the observation belongs.UUID
MfeatureOfInterestIdA foreign key identifier for the FeatureOfInterest the Observation represents.UUID
MphenomenonTimeA datetime value indicating the time instant when the Observation happens.Datetime
MresultThe numeric value of the Observation. The estimated value of an ObservedProperty from the Observation.Float
OresultTimeThe time that the Observation's result was generated (if different than the phenomenonTime). NOTE: It is possible for a device to make an Observation of a phenomenon at a particular time (phenomenonTime) but not generate the numeric value of the result until some time later (resultTime).Datetime
OqualityCodeA text code or string indicating the quality of the Observation.String
OresultQualifiersAn array containing the foreign key identifiers for any data qualifying comments (ResultQualifiers) that have been applied to the Observation.Array
OvalidBeginTimeThe beginning time for a time period during which the result may be used.Datetime
OValidEndTimeThe ending time for a time period during which the result may be used.Datetime


An ObservedProperty specifies the phenomenon of an Observation (e.g., flow, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen concentration, etc.).

RequiredAttributeDefinitionData Type
MidA primary key unique identifier for the ObservedProperty.UUID
OpersonIdA foreign key identifier for the Person who owns the ObservedProperty.Integer
MnameA descriptive name for the ObservedProperty - preferably chosen from a controlled vocabulary.String
MdefinitionA text string providing a definition of the ObservedProperty or a URL pointing to a definition of the ObservedProperty - e.g., a URL pointing to the controlled vocabulary that defines the observed property.URL
MdescriptionA text description of the ObservedProperty. May be the same as the definition of the ObservedProperty.String
MtypeThe type of ObservedProperty - preferably selected from a controlled vocabulary (e.g., Hydrology, Instrumentation, Climate, Soil, Water Quality, etc.).String
McodeA brief text code identifying the ObservedProperty.String


An Organization is a body of people having a particular purpose, in particular a business, agency, research group, research institute, etc. For HydroServer, this is the Organization with which a Person involved in data collection is affiliated.

RequiredAttributeDefinitionData Type
MidA primary key unique identifier for the Organization.String
McodeA brief text code or abbreviation for the name of the Organization.String
MnameA descriptive name for the Organization.String
OdescriptionA text description of the Organization.String
MtypeA text string indicating the type of Organization - preferably selected from a controlled vocabulary (e.g., University, Laboratory, Research Institute, State Agency, etc.)String
OlinkA URL pointing at a website for the Organization.URL


Individual people who are involved in data collection or who are responsible for observational data stored in the database.

RequiredAttributeDefinitionData Type
MidA primary key unique identifier for the Person.Integer
MfirstNameThe Person's first given name.String
OmiddleNameThe Person's middle name.String
MlastNameThe person's last name.String
OphoneThe person's contact phone number.String
MemailThe person's contact email address.String
OunverifiedEmailThe person's contact email address prior to email verification.String
OaddressThe person's physical mailing address.String
OlinkA URL pointing at a website for the person.URL
MtypeA text string indicating the type of person - preferably selected from a controlled vocabulary (e.g., University Faculty, University Graduate Student, Professional or Research Staff)String
MisVerifiedA boolean value indicating whether a user has verified their email account after creating a user account.Boolean
OorganizationIDA foreign key identifier for the Organization with which the person is affiliated.UUID


A photo of a Thing - e.g., photos of a monitoring site/location.

RequiredAttributeDefinitionData Type
MidA primary key unique identifier for the Photo.UUID
MthingIdA foreign key identifier for the Thing that is the subject of the photo.UUID
MfilePathA string providing the path for retrieving the photo file for display or download.String


The degree of quality control or processing to which a Datastream has been subjected. For example, raw versus quality controlled data.

RequiredAttributeDefinitionData Type
MidA primary key unique identifier for the ProcessingLevel.UUID
OpersonIdA foreign key identifier for the Person who owns the ProcessingLevel.Integer
McodeA brief text code identifying the Processing level - e.g., "0" for "Raw data", "1" for "Quality controlled data."String
OdefinitionA text definition of the ProcessingLevel.String
OexplanationA longer text explanation of the ProcessingLevel.String


Data qualifying comments added to individual data values to qualify their interpretation or use.

RequiredAttributeDefinitionData Type
MidA primary key unique identifier for the ResultQualifier.UUID
OpersonIdA foreign key identifier for the Person who created the ResultQualifier.Integer
McodeA brief text code identifying the ResultQualifier.String
MdescriptionA longer text description or explanation of the ResultQualifier.String


A Sensor is an instrument that observes a property or phenomenon with the goal of producing an estimate of the value of the property.

NOTE: The SensorThings API data model uses the Sensor entity to describe the instrument used to make an Observation. However, some time series data are produced using a method or procedure whereby a Datastream is derived or created from another sensor Datastream (e.g., discharge derived from stage using a site-specific rating curve or daily data derived from 30-minute data through aggregation). In all cases, the "Sensor" entity is used to describe the method or procedure used to create Observations within a Datastream - even when there may not be a physical sensor involved or where data are derived from another Datastream.

RequiredAttributeDefinitionData Type
MidA primary key unique identifier for the Sensor.UUID
OpersonIdA foreign key identifier for the Person who created the Sensor.Integer
MnameA descriptive name for the Sensor.String
MdescriptionA longer text description of the Sensor.String
MencodingTypeA string indicating how the Sensor information is encoded by the API - "application/json"String
OmethodCodeA brief text code identifying the Sensor/Method.String
MmethodTypeA string indicating the type of Sensor or Method - preferably chosen from a controlled vocabulary (e.g., "Instrument deployment").String
OmethodLinkA URL pointing to a website that defines or describes the Sensor/Method.URL
OmanufacturerThe name of the Sensor manufacturer.String
OmodelThe name of the Sensor model.String
OmodelLinkA URL for a website that describes the specific Sensor model.URL


A thing is an object of the physical world (physical things) or the information world (virtual things) that is capable of being identified and integrated into communication networks. In the context of environmental monitoring and HydroServer, a Thing is a monitoring station or "Site" (e.g., a streamflow gage, water quality station, weather station, diversion measurement location, etc.).

RequiredAttributeDefinitionData Type
MidA primary key unique identifier for the Thing.UUID
MnameA text string giving a name for the Thing.String
MdescriptionA text string giving a description for the Thing.String
MsamplingFeatureTypeA text string specifying the type of sampling feature - usually "Site".String
MsamplingFeatureCodeA text string specifying a shortened code identifying the Thing.String
MsiteTypeA text string specifying the type of Site represented by the Thing - e.g., "Streamflow Gage", "Water Quality Station", "Weather Station", "Diversion Station", etc.String
MisPrivateAn access control flag indicating whether the Thing is dicoverable and whethger metadata for the Thing is publicly available.Boolean
OdataDisclaimerA text string displayed on the HydroServer landing page for the Thing (Site) that specifies a data disclaimer for data at that site.String
MlocationIdA foreign key identifier for the Thing's location.UUID


An association between a Thing and the Person or Persons who own and/or manage the information for that Thing.

Note: HydroServer currently allows Things (monitoring sites) to have primary and secondary owners. Each site must have a primary owner. Sites may have any number of secondary owners. Only site owners may modify site metadata, load data for a site, etc.

RequiredAttributeDefinitionData Type
MthingIdA foreign key identifier for the Thing participating in the association.UUID
MpersonIdA foreign key identifier for the Person that is affiliated with the Thing.Integer
MownsThingAn access control flag indicating whether the Person is an owner of the Thing.Boolean
MisPrimaryOwnerAn access control flag indicating that the Person is the primary owner of the Thing.Boolean


The unit of measure associated with the Observations within a Datastream.

RequiredAttributeDefinitionData Type
MidA primary key unique identifier for the Unit.UUID
OpersonIdA foreign key identifier for the Person who created the Unit.Integer
MnameA descriptive name for the Unit.String
MsymbolAn abbreviation or symbol used for the unit.String
MdefinitionA URL pointing to a website or controlled vocabulary that defines the Unit.URL
MtypeThe type of Unit (e.g., Flow, Concentration, Volume, Length, Mass, etc.)String